Lakita Bee's Blog

Writing for you favor!

Don't worry about NHL hockey and the relationship between the NBA basketball

To know more about NHL hockey training things. This is every fans should pay attention to things. At present the lock hockey players, but we want to say good luck, all of the hockey athletes training and our past this summer, including: ja…

MLB Payroll to Wins Ratio Reveals Surprises

We all know that spending money on free agents has ballooned the payroll of teams like the Yankees to astronomical levels. The Yankees are often nicknamed the Yankee$ because of the amount of money they spend on their players. They are far…

The Key to A Happy Life

Last Friday night, we needed a key to our house. Most, if not all of you, probably have such a key and could locate it in a matter of seconds. “Why,” you might say, astonished at such a ridiculous query, “it’s on my key ring in my purse! …

If Doctor’s Were on Baseball Cards

I just went through the process of helping my wife select a doctor for her new medical plan. Choosing a doctor is a pretty serious business. After all, this is a person who may someday have to look at your hoo-hah in order to tell you what…